This is a Korean translation of Design for Social Sustainability, Social Life's publication that explores how urban development and regeneration can support the wellbeing and quality of life of new communities.Design for Social Sustainability sets out a framework for planning and designing the service, spaces, housing and governance arrangements to help local communities to thrive.
Design for Social Sustainability was translated by SeonAe Kwon, from Seoul Metropolitan Government, who has been on secondment with Social Life in 2014.
사회적지속성을위한디자인(Design for Social Sustainability) 한국어본
이것은 어떻게 도시개발과 재생사업이 새 커뮤니티 삶의 질과 행복을 지원할 수 있는지를 연구한 소셜 라이프(Social Life)의 발행물인 '사회적지속성을위한디자인(Design for Social Sustainability)' 한국어판이다. 이책은지역커뮤니티가번성하도록돕기위한기획및서비스디자인, 공간, 주택및거버넌스수행의체계를시작한다.
사회적지속성을위한디자인(Design for Social Sustainability)은소셜 라이프(Social Life)에 국외훈련 파견중인 서울시의 권선애 주무관이 번역하였다.