Over the next few years, Social Life will be tracking the impact of the Somerleyton Road development in Brixton. This is a partnership between Brixton Green, Lambeth Council and Ovalhouse, with igloo regeneration acting as development manager.
The Somerleyton Road project aims to create new cultural, health and community facilities, and to build 250 to 300 rented homes at different rent levels, prioritised for local residents.
The aim of this independent research, which will take place in the first half of 2015, will be to investigate how people feel about the area now, and what they think about the plans for the project.
If you live in, or have another connection with Brixton, then tell us what you think at somerleyton.commonplace.is
We will repeat this research after the development is built so we can track its impact over time.
Social Life first worked with on the Somerleyton Road project in 2012, on a series of deliberative workshops, commissoined by Brixton Green, that helped shape current plans.