Living in Grahame Park

This report summarises a social impact assessment carried out in summer and autumn of 2023 on Grahame Park Estate in Barnet. It looks at the experiences, attitudes, and everyday life of people living on Grahame Park and the impact of the regeneration programme, two decades years after it began.

This assessment will act as a benchmark for future assessments to measure progress against. It was conducted early in the second stage of the regeneration, which has until now faced significant delays.

The summary captures residents’ perceptions of belonging, wellbeing, and relationships with neighbours and between people from different backgrounds. It explores how the built environment and local services and supports promote community life, and whether people feel that they can influence local decisions and how they come together to take action to improve the area.

Social Life was commissioned by the housing association Notting Hill Genesis to carry out this assessment of the social impacts of regeneration, and to understand how local priorities and needs can inform future phases of planning, design and management. 

Download the full publication